Our Horses

Click on the images below of our horses to sponsor or find out more about each of the horses


Nell came to Mane Chance after her owner’s circumstances changed and she needed to find a long-term home for her.  


Barnaby arrived at Mane Chance having had a life of service, working for a family that took animals to events for parties, fetes, shows etc.



Blueboy was born at Mane Chance after his mother was brought to us whilst carrying a foal.  He has grown into a wonderful horse and we are extremely proud of all the work he does with us to welcome people to the Sanctuary.

Bobbie Tulsa

Bobbie Tulsa was born to Phyllis here at the Sanctuary as Phyllis had been rescued by us whilst she was pregnant.  This also means that Bobbie Tulsa is Gwen's grand-daughter - Gwen arrived with her daughter Phyllis!


Boo is a very sensitive mare that has come from a background of abuse and neglect and requires great patience to reassure her that she is now safe.


Cary is the oldest of the our Welsh mares that came to Mane Chance together.  She is probably the bravest of the group and often is the first to step forward and try something new.


Daisy is our tallest and bossiest mare in the Shetland herd and has a lovely nature, particularly on show when our visitors are around!


Diamond, with her background of dressage competition, glides around our tracks and fields with grace and beauty.


Dinky (passport name Shadowplay Mighty Aphrodite!) joined the Shetland herd at Mane Chance with her long-term companion, Minnie Mouse.


Dolly wasn't a typical rescue, but she was certainly a pony in need of some security and a home for life.


When Duncan first arrived with us, he clearly showed signs of middle child syndrome.  He came to Mane Chance with Hamish and Teddy and had the central position of the three.


Eira arrived with three other Welsh Mares at Mane Chance.  She enjoys a central position where she is neither the leader nor the bottom of the pack - this allows her to be more independent and brave when it comes to trying new things at the Sanctuary.


Freya has simply blossomed simce arriving with us.  Her confidence is continuing to grow and she is becoming more and more involved with our team and visitors.


Grimbo is the leader of the Shetland herd and is a firm favourite with our visitors as he is always up for a scratch and a cuddle.


Gwen is the most sensitive horse of our herd. But she is also the essence of Mane Chance - a wonderful horse that has overcome the worst situation and now gives so much back to our team and visitors.


Hamish was the reluctant leader of three Shetland ponies that arrived together at Mane Chance in 2017.


Hope is an inquisitive, sometimes over-enthusiastic younger horse that has had to learn the etiquette of living in a herd - and he loves it!


Jay-J is the leader of the family herd and the companion of Gwen.  Together they are a formidable but fair couple that earn respect from the younger horses.


Lili was one of four Welsh mares that arrived at Mane Chance together and she was the most timid and shy of the group.  However, with the security we offer at the Sanctuary, she is now showing greater confidence and sociability with both the team and our visitors.


Louise was found abandoned with Thelma and even though she was a lot younger, she showed a really kind and protective nature towards her smaller companion.  This has continued since she has been at the Sanctuary and she is a respectful and loyal friend to all.


Lucy is a dominant mare in the herd and keeps the other horses in check!  But when it comes to having a fuss, she is gentle and patient with the team and visitors alike.


Millie is one of the more complicated members of our herd and she has found it difficult to move on from her past traumas but she is making steady and impressive progress all the time.


Minnie arrived at Mane Chance with Dinky, having recently been rescued from abandonment in a field.

Mr Smith

Mr Smith is the stately gentleman of our Shetland herd and is a huge favourite with our visitors.


Phyllis is a confident horse that can boss both the boys and the girls around!  Whilst her mother Gwen is the female leader of the family herd, Phyllis is definitely a good support and back up to her!


Pudding was one of the original horses that Jenny rescued in 2011 and has recently returned to the Sanctuary after a successful rehoming period as her loaner fell very poorly.


Rocky was previously a companion to a much larger horse.  He enjoys that relationship of bigger horses so he lives with our Welsh mares herd at the Sanctuary rather than his fellow Shetlands.



Seren was one of four Welsh mares that arrived at Mane Chance together.  She is the leader of the herd and takes her role very seriously, making sure she is always alert to anything new.  But she is also extremely gentle and kind - and a firm favourite of the whole team.


Soldier is our little fighter at the Sanctuary.  He wasn't expected to survive when we first rescued him from neglect, but against the odds, he found enough strength to  recover and is now one of the strongest and most friendly horses in the herd.


Tailor is easy to spot in our fields - his crinkled mane and tail makes him stand out from the rest of the piebald herd.  He is usually one of the first to come up to say hello to our visitors too!


Teddy was the most nervous of three Shetland ponies that arrived together at Mane Chance in 2017.


Thelma was found loose in the middle of a country road one night, abandoned with a larger horse - naturally called Louise!


Tilly is one of our original residents and one of the leading mares in our herd - often bossy, sometimes cheeky but always welcoming to our visitors and the new male horses at the Sanctuary!


Timmy has one of the biggest characters in the park. He is very intelligent and quite ingenious.


Tinker arrived at the Sanctuary as a foal when he was rescued with Tailor and Soldier after being abandoned next to a main road. He has developed into a wonderful horse, is popular with the team and loved by all the visitors that meet him.


Ziggy was found wandering down a Surrey High Street one morning, abandoned and frightened.  But now safe and secure here at the Sanctuary, his wonderful personality is very much on show.

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